Are Wild Giant Pandas Still Endangered?

posted in: Panda behavior 0

by Jake Owens, Ph.D

Part 3 of 3

As we discussed earlier, the future of wild giant pandas is anything but secure. We must continue the fight to increase their population, the amount of habitat they occupy, and their access paths between nature reserves.



Our Global Cause Foundation team is working to save wild giant pandas in several important ways:

  • We collaborate closely with our Chinese colleagues on an innovative panda reintroduction program to increase existing wild populations, repopulate habitats that no longer contain pandas, and fill in the gaps between reserves.
  • We support and conduct research so we can better understand giant pandas and their habitat.
  • We help young scientists in China and the U.S. increase their capacity to do high-level science and conservation work and share their results with the international community. This includes a strong commitment to encouraging women in science.


With the support of our Wild Panda team, we are dramatically impacting the future of wild giant pandas and all of the species that share their habitat. This is a critically important time in giant panda conservation.


Wild pandas are still at high risk of endangerment. They need our help!







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