Giant Pandas: Field Metabolic Rates
Global Cause and its partners at CRB recently published another important article in Nature – Scientific Reports on the field metabolic rates of free-roaming giant pandas.
In ‘Pandas’ film, Drexel team helps release artificially bred bears into the wild
“The goal is to boost the wild panda population, which has dipped below 2,000 bears as development encroaches on their habitat. To avoid further losses, and to ensure there is enough room to accommodate the influx of artificially bred animals, the Chinese government has established nature preserves.”
Giant Pandas Threatened by Dogs
Global Cause and its partners at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding recently published an important article in Nature- Scientific Reports on the threat of dogs to giant pandas in China.
US, Chinese Scientists Work Together to Reintroduce Pandas to Wild
“That’s the whole point of this project is to get pandas that are born from captive-born mothers and born in a human care facility and then get them to transition out into the wild.”
Important Plant Research in Sichuan
July 2017By Ramana Callan and Loreena AveryAs the Sichuan summer rolls in, we have a short window of opportunity to survey the plant diversity at the nature reserves where we may soon release our panda cubs. Although the mosquitos have
About those questions
About those questions: We’ve noticed a number of questions recently about our panda reintroduction project. As we discuss elsewhere, we’re working with the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding to save wild giant pandas from extinction by learning how